At the North Pole there's isn't just one Santa Claus, but hundreds of them, each one responsible for a small area of the world.. and for the goodness of its inhabitants. The levels of goodness are dangerously low in Northern Italy, so the general assembly rules that Ezechiele must deal with the worst case on his territory, Mr. Achille Malerba, the man thought to be the reason for this downward plunge of the goodness "index". Ezechiele MUST make him a good man by midnight on Xmas eve, or he'll lose his job and be sent to make toys with the elves (who are very malevolent and nasty). Ezechiele appears to Mr. Malerba, a very rich industrialist (mayonaise) who callously refuses to understand the gravity - and reality - of his situation... Santa will use all his magic to try and make him understand, causing him to lose everything he has, but also helping him redeem himself through the relationship he develops with a former employee he had fired, and her fatherless 6 year old son.


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