
Dosije 128

Dosije 128 (1998)

dramă | Yugoslavia
Regizor: Petar Cvejić

Unde să te uiți
Emisiunea nu este disponibilă în țară
Evaluare: 7.6/10


The plot of this television movie is located in Belgrade, the hometown of screenwriter Velimir Lukic, in the 1960s. It was the time of the party discipline, in which the free thinking and free behavior of individuals meant heresy. This is a drama about political showdown, about the metamorphosis of high-level intellectuals ready to do anything to defy the authorities and retain their privileges. At the same time - this is also a love story that, under the political circumstances that accompany it, is misused precisely because of those well-known higher goals.


Dosije 128Dosije 128


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