"La Doña," based on the literary work of Rómulo Gallegos "Doña Bárbara," is a story of revenge and ambition, seduction and betrayal. Told from the perspective of an abused woman named Altagracia, she represents the hundreds of thousands of Mexican women who have been victims of violence by men who are protected by impunity and a patriarchal culture. In Altagracia's case, these men are five teenagers from prominent families who rape her as a child and murder her parents. Having picked herself and her sister up from the ashes, Altagracia became a ruthless, strong-willed devourer of men, and with the fortune of an ex-husband, "La Doña" looks to bring her abusers, and any others she finds along the way, to her own brand of justice.


Lady AltagraciaLady AltagraciaLady AltagraciaLady AltagraciaLady AltagraciaLady AltagraciaLady AltagraciaLady AltagraciaLady AltagraciaLady AltagraciaLady AltagraciaLady AltagraciaLady AltagraciaLady AltagraciaLady Altagracia


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