
Raised by Wolves: Mehmesis

Raised by Wolves (2015)

comedie | Marea Britanie
Regizor: Ian Fitzgibbon

Unde să te uiți
Emisiunea nu este disponibilă în țară
Evaluare: 7.7/10


EPISODUL: 3 - Mehmesis


In the midst of a Wolverhampton heatwave, cousin Cathy arrives at the Garry family home. With her attractive figure and tales of the outside world, she becomes the centre of attention, catching the eye of Germaine's would-be boyfriend, local yob Lee. In the grip of overwhelming jealousy, Germaine sets out on a course that quickly spirals out of control. Meanwhile, Della is attempting self-sufficiency to reduce her massive food bill, but she's having trouble policing her vegetable patch and has to call on a reluctant Grampy for help.


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