
Legends of Europe

LEGENDS OF EUROPE Mystical and fantasy tales 6. Paris (2019)

documentar | Franţa
Regizor: John Hudson

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Takes a unique look, imbued with magic, on European heritage, particularly on the fantastic dimension of its secular legends. Frightening or astonishing, these stories inspired by natural splendors turn out to be so many mystical and obscure enigmas to decipher. Corsairs, satanic beasts, enchanted forests, petrified shepherdesses, bewitched lakes, amphibian monsters or captive princesses are the heroes of this saga which, from North to South and from East to West.


Legends of EuropeLegends of EuropeLegends of EuropeLegends of EuropeLegends of EuropeLegends of EuropeLegends of EuropeLegends of EuropeLegends of EuropeLegends of EuropeLegends of EuropeLegends of EuropeLegends of Europe


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