
Tanar si nelinistit: Episode 10248 - Friday, September 20, 2013

The Young and the Restless (2013)

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EPISODUL: 128 - Episode 10248 - Friday, September 20, 2013


Avery tries to calm Dylan when she realizes he is experiencing post-traumatic stress. Adam and Chelsea arrive while Avery works to reassure Dylan and talk him down. Dylan realizes where he is and gives Connor back to Adam. Adam and Chelsea leave with Connor while Avery stays to comfort a distraught Dylan.

Sharon and Dr. Watkins discuss her issues. She is convinced things with her and Nick are headed in the right direction. When Dr. Watkins questions how Sharon has been doing and if she is taking her medication, Sharon insists that she is fine and doesn’t need the pills.

Jack and Victor meet to discuss their next steps with Newman Enterprises. Jack offers to find someone that Victor and Adam approve of to buy him out of Newman. In return, Jack asks that Victor give Adam a break. Victor suspects Jack wants something else.

Noah and Courtney bump into each other in Chancellor Park. Noah enjoys getting to know her as they start to flirt with each other.


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