
Tanar si nelinistit: Episode 4561

The Young and the Restless (1991)

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EPISODUL: 44 - Episode 4561


Mary arrives at the hospital. Paul tells her he called Cassandra and asked her to meet him. She was happy. He saw her getting out of a cab and being hit by a car. Paul adds he was about to propose to Cassandra. Brad, John and Victor have a meeting. Later, Ashley tells John and Victor that Cassandra is in critical condition. Victor goes to the hospital. The surgeon appears. He tells Paul he's sorry. They did all they could to save Cassandra, to no avail. Paul cries in his mother's arms. Nina finds out that David lied about his job. Cricket is doing a search about a woman named Rebecca. She finds out an article of that woman and David. Later, she shared the news with Danny.


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