
The Hotel Inspector: Who'd A Thought It, Kent

The Hotel Inspector (2011)

documentar | Marea Britanie

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EPISODUL: 6 - Who'd A Thought It, Kent


In Kent, self-styled showman Joe has been popping champagne corks in the family-owned, eight-bedroom 'champagne and oyster bar with rooms' for the past 23 years.

After leaving his London casino job to manage the business, Joe’s aim has been to bring a taste of the four-star city luxury to the quiet Kent countryside. But his ‘unique’ tastes in décor haven’t been to everyone’s liking.

Cowhide bedspreads, four-man hot tubs and erotic artwork are just some of the delights facing potential guests at check-in. The poor occupancy rates and dwindling profits tell their own story.

Alex has her hands full, trying to convince Joe to embrace some changes to make his hotel a little more 'female friendly'. But when she is asked to spend the night in the ‘Champagne and Shoes’ room with mirrored ceilings and a dance pole, it is clear that Joe’s naked ambition may have gone one step too far…


The Hotel InspectorThe Hotel InspectorThe Hotel InspectorThe Hotel InspectorThe Hotel InspectorThe Hotel InspectorThe Hotel InspectorThe Hotel InspectorThe Hotel InspectorThe Hotel InspectorThe Hotel InspectorThe Hotel InspectorThe Hotel InspectorThe Hotel InspectorThe Hotel Inspector


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