Evaluare: 8.2/10


EPISODUL: 13 - The Last Recruit


Jack and Locke talks about the real John Locke in the woods and Claire follows them. Locke tells that he was the one that pretend to be their father. Sawyer tells to Hurley that he intends to use Widmore's submarine to flee from the island. Zoe comes to Locke's camp and asks for Desmond and shows the bellicose power of Widmore. Locke asks Sawyer to bring a boat to attack Widmore and asks Sayid to kill Desmond in the well. Jack, Sun Hurley and Frank leave Locke's group but Claire follows them to meet Sawyer and Kate. Jack decides to leave the boat and stay in the island. When he reaches the island, Locke learns that Sawyer took the boat to go to the other island. Widmore bombs Locke's group. In the parallel reality, Ben goes in the ambulance with Locke to the hospital and they arrive at the same time with Sun and Jin. In LAPD, Sawyer talks to Kate and then Miles calls him to tell about the multiple murders in the restaurant and Sayid is the prime suspect. Desmond meets Claire when she is going to an adoption agency. He offers the free services of the lawyer Ilana to Claire. Sayid tells Nadia that he is leaving and will not see her again; however Sawyer arrests him. Ilana is the lawyer that will read Christian's will to Jack and Claire, but there is an emergency in the hospital and he asks to reschedule the reading. When Jack arrives in the hospital, he sees that his patient is Locke.




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