
High Arctic Haulers

To thrive up here (2020)

Regizor: Barry Fontaine

Unde să te uiți
Emisiunea nu este disponibilă în țară




Near the top of the world, there's a place so remote that only the toughest dare stay. To live in the Arctic you must be resilient, resourceful and willing to beat the odds. Once a year, the Arctic gambles on the Sealift - an armada of cargo ships packed with supplies the land doesn't provide. High Arctic Haulers is a factual series that tracks the perilous journey of the Sealift - the annual mission to resupply the North. Five crews on five cargo ships chase retreating ice during a brief window in the summer when winter's grip on the region loosens. Arctic ice recedes and waterways open to allow limited access to the world's most isolated communities. This is a gruelling test of endurance and there is no turning back because, for the North to continue to grow, the haul must get through.


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