Caligula: Self-Acted Setup Prank Starring Toshiyaki Kasuga of Audrey/Higashino Hunts Deer Vol. 2"Getting Within 100 Meters"

Imada x Higashino no Carigyura (2018)

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EPISODUL: 3 - Self-Acted Setup Prank Starring Toshiyaki Kasuga of Audrey/Higashino Hunts Deer Vol. 2"Getting Within 100 Meters"


Recently, TV regulation has become more strict regarding pranks. Comedians pour their talents into a self-acted setup, in which the ones tricked are the comedians themselves. This time, the challenger is Audrey Kasuga. Sexy scenes, dangerous animals, a car stunt, explosions, a man on fire. Meanwhile, in "Higashino Hunts Deer," they finally manage to get closer to a deer.

DURATA: 816 min


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