
Intervention: Kim

Intervention (2007)

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Emisiunea nu este disponibilă în țară




Anorexia and bulimia affect millions of people worldwide. Kim, who is 34 years old, is one of them, with a life that has tragically fallen apart. In school, she was extroverted, successful, and popular. However, her insecurities about her looks soon took over her life enticing her to engage in binging and purging. Kim’s husband divorced her and she has lost her job. She had no choice but to move back in with her parents with a promise to get her life back together. Kim’s stepfather has seen this promise go by for years. He has never seen Kim as her normal self and is frustrated that her promise has not been met, even with all the help they have given. They do not get along well and the tension fuels Kim to abstain from food for days at a time. Kim’s parents, especially her mother, have been mentally anguished because of the burden of the disease. Kim’s mother, a nurse at the local hospital, pleads with Kim to get help and get her life back together and so that the whole family can return to normal.


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