RWBY: Ice Queendom: Do You Have a Plan?

RWBY 氷雪帝国 (2022)

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EPISODUL: 6 - Do You Have a Plan?


Ruby’s party reaches the inner depths of the dream, but Nega-Weiss attacks trying to eliminate Blake. Blake has a difficult timing fighting Weiss’ relentless attacks and is also hurt from hearing harsh words that she and the Faunus were enemies to her. Although they were able to find the “Nightmare”, they could not defeat Weiss, who had exploded in anger by Ruby and Yang’s betrayal and hatred toward Blake. The three had no choice but to retreat to the real world. Ruby’s party had become depress, hearing that sneaking into the dream which meant defeating the “Nightmare”, had become more difficult because of this failure. Dark clouds had gathered concerning this mission of exploring Weiss’ mind and heart…


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