Four in a Bed: Fifteens of Swinley, Wigan

Four in a Bed (2012)

Reality show | Marea Britanie

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EPISODUL: 57 - Fifteens of Swinley, Wigan


Second to host are entrepreneur Tony Callaghan and his operations manager Lisa Langton in Wigan with their 'boutique rooms' at Fifteens of Swinley. After the previous tensions, Tony claims to have 'worked a miracle' as the guests scrum down with the Wigan Warriors rugby team. Gentle Gillian Peck delights the crowd when she flattens her husband Julian. Dinner is an opportunity for Tony to show off more of his empire at Little Fifteens. But things start to go less smoothly as Gillian, in a combative mood, tackles Tony about his lack of input into the everyday running of his B&B, and breakfast in a paper bag doesn't do it for the group the next morning. At feedback time, Tony identifies some 'snakes in the grass'.

DURATA: 30 min


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