Whose Line Is It Anyway?: Brad Sherwood

Whose Line Is It Anyway? (2007)

comedie | SUA

Unde să te uiți
Emisiunea nu este disponibilă în țară


EPISODUL: 20 - Brad Sherwood


Seating order: Brad, Wayne, Colin, Ryan

Lets make a date: Brad much choose from

Wayne: Angry teen rebel from a 1950s movie.

Colin: Store owner doing his own low budget commercial.

Ryan: raised by wolves

Film, TV and Theatre : Ryan is angry at Colin 'cause they have been forced to make an emergency landing of their light aircraft in bigfoot territory. : Soap opera, infomercial, horror film, football film, western.

Gameshow: Brad hosts Pick the cheese

Shopping from home: Ryan and Colin sell a drawer with no bottom, 3 playing cards and one shoe

Scenes from a hat: When beavers get lazy, a magazine you'd never see at a news stand, ice fishing disasters, unlikely greeting card messages, lying about a stain at your dry cleaners, tattoos you regret later, breakfast with the boneless family, a bachelor's refrigerator, what Bill Clinton's tombstone will say, looking at the ugliest baby you've ever seen.

Hoedown: About vending machines

Winner: None Credit Reading: None


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