Dinosaurs: The Golden Child

Dinosaurs (1991)

Regizor: Tom Trbovich

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EPISODUL: 1 - The Golden Child


Moving on into the second season, Fran is actually getting a little tired becuase she's doing household choirs as usual. When she leaves Robbie and Charlene with Baby for them to watch him and make sure that he eats his breakfast, the two run-off leaving Baby alone in the kitchen. Baby feels evily happy and decides to sneak into the refrigerator to get some good sugar. When he get's too much sugar, Baby loses his nerves and becomes absolutely hyper after Earl and Fran walks in and see's the mess. Fran immediately takes Baby to the doctor to find the solution to the problem. But it was never solved except when Robbie and Charlene knew that he ate alot of sugar for him to grow a golden horn. While Earl is being teased at work, Ethyl recieves a scroll when a black dinosaur gives her informing Earl and Baby to meet in the Cave of Destiny. Baby then becomes a popular ruler when everyone in Pangea come to respect him. When the dinosaur in a black coat returns, he demands that the Baby comes


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