
Lumea Winx: Shattered Dreams

World of Winx (2016)

Regizor: Iginio Straffi

Unde să te uiți
Emisiunea nu este disponibilă în țară
Evaluare: 9.3/10


EPISODUL: 9 - Shattered Dreams


The Winx capture the Shaman, and learn that his master has been controlling the portals to kidnap the talent prospects. However, when Lorelei wants their attention, the Shaman escapes. The Winx head to London to find their next talent prospect: a girl named Madelyn who has been groomed to become a pianist but does not enjoy it. While some of the girls take care of Madelyn's family pugs, the others try to encourage her to follow her real dream. After some Sherlock Holmes-like searching, they find Madelyn in her tree-house and that her real desire is to play rock music on an electric guitar.


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