
Inazuma Eleven: Decisive Battle in the Valley of the Beast!

Inazuma irebun (2012)

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EPISODUL: 33 - Decisive Battle in the Valley of the Beast!


■Dinosaurs were seen playing soccer to help Raimon by their training. ■Fei was seen to be sad in the night with Big behind him. ■Kinako used her Keshin, Akatsuki no Miko Amaterasu, for the first time. ■Rei Rukh confronted Raimon again and challenged Raimon for a match against Perfect Cascade. ■All the Raimon's members who had a Mixi Max , used their Mixi Trans (except for Tenma). ■Perfect Cascade brainwashed dinosaurs and used them to get past Raimon's defense. ■The score was 7-0 for Perfect Cascade at the end of the episode, with seeing the most Mixi Max users tired. ■Kinako asked Fei why he did not use a keshin. ■While in practice, Fei almost fell and Tenma caught him, which seems as a result of the process of Extreme Rabbit.


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