
The Tears of the Sea: Die Frau am Strand

Liebe am Fjord (2014)

dramă, romance | Germania

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Evaluare: 5.3/10


EPISODUL: 1 - Die Frau am Strand


Brigitta Nielebeck suffered a serious car accident in which miraculously escape unscathed. However, she has lost his memory. Doctors recommend her to spend time with family members. Therefore, make contact with Marie, her 16 year old daughter, who for two years living with a host family.


The Tears of the SeaThe Tears of the SeaThe Tears of the SeaThe Tears of the SeaThe Tears of the SeaThe Tears of the SeaThe Tears of the SeaThe Tears of the SeaThe Tears of the SeaThe Tears of the SeaThe Tears of the SeaThe Tears of the SeaThe Tears of the SeaThe Tears of the SeaThe Tears of the Sea


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