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Kumkum Bhagya (2015)

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Learning that his grandmother s health is not well, Abhi rushes off to attend to her. He scolds everybody thinking they are not taking proper care of her. He then apologizes many times to his grandmother and tells that he cannot live without her. He grabs his grandmother's legs and tells that he would not leave it until she forgives him. In the meantime, it is learnt that Abhi's grandmother has allowed him to stay at home. Abhi's funny attitude again changes before Pragya when he asks her to unpack his bag. On the other hand, when Tannu learns that Abhi is not at home, she calls him up and learns that he is at his own home. What would Tannu do ahead? Keep watching to find out.Kumkum Bhagya is the story of a Punjabi matriarch Sarla Arora who runs a marriage hall and lives with the hope of seeing her two daughters Pragya and Bulbul who're poles apart, happily married some day! Known for making shows that are women-centric, the pivotal characters of this new show are a bunch of strong, feisty women, living together in an all-female, matriarchal family.


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