
A Life in Ten Pictures: Tupac Shakur

A Life in Ten Pictures (2021)

documentar | Marea Britanie

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Evaluare: 8.0/10


EPISODUL: 2 - Tupac Shakur


The life of rapper Tupac Shakur was tragically short. He was murdered at the age of just 25. Could a handful of photos uncover new truths about this iconic hip-hop figure? In this fascinating BBC arts documentary, unknown elements of 2Pac’s life are exposed via photographs, from his vulnerability to his social consciousness. Can these images show the true artist behind the ‘gangsta’ bravado?


A Life in Ten PicturesA Life in Ten PicturesA Life in Ten PicturesA Life in Ten PicturesA Life in Ten PicturesA Life in Ten PicturesA Life in Ten PicturesA Life in Ten PicturesA Life in Ten PicturesA Life in Ten PicturesA Life in Ten PicturesA Life in Ten PicturesA Life in Ten PicturesA Life in Ten PicturesA Life in Ten Pictures


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