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Kumkum Bhagya (2015)

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The Producer praises Abhi for selecting his wife Pragya as the new model for his new album based on love. Abhi, on the other hand, gets jealous of the male model and points out how the model is trying to get close to Pragya, even after knowing that she is his wife. Abhi enquires and finds out that Purab had selected the model. Purab, however, handles the situation and convinces Abhi saying the model is perfect for his album secretly pleased to see Abhi jealous. While on the other hand, Taanu rushes furiously to the event to meet Abhi and seek justification for choosing Pragya to be the model over her. At the right time, Alia shows up and tries to stop Tannu from meeting Abhi. Will Tannu create a nuisance? Will Tannu end up ruining Purab and Alia s plan of bringing Abhi and Pragya close to each other?


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