
Srpski junaci srednjeg veka: Đurađ Branković I

Srpski junaci srednjeg veka (2020)

Regizor: Gordan Matić

Unde să te uiți
Emisiunea nu este disponibilă în țară


EPISODUL: 9 - Đurađ Branković I


Each of the episodes will tell a story about the life and fate of one of the greatest heroes of the Serbian Middle Ages. With the abundance of illustrations of both graphic, digital and costed, featured, we will see stories about Marko Kraljevic, Emperor Dusan, Vukasin brothers and Ugljesa Mrnjavcevic, Prince Lazar, Dragon Ognjen Vuk, Milos Obilic, Vuk Brankovic, and through stories about them, learn a lot about the political, economic and social situation, as well as all other aspects of life in Serbia at the time.


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