
Remember When: The Battle of the Prices" & : Explosive elections

Ta kalytera mas hronia (2020)

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EPISóDIO: 46 - The Battle of the Prices" & : Explosive elections


"Remember When", our favorite family fiction series, takes us back to the 80s!With lots of surprises, antics and shocking revelations, the beloved neighborhood of Gkyzi is not just moving... it's speeding full throttle, leading our protagonists into a new decade!New friends show up from afar - not always a good thing -, old acquaintances return with a new dynamic, love affairs with an expiration date make their reappearance, while new objects of desire knock on the door and capture the hearts of our protagonists! "The Battle of the Prices"Unfair competition in the goods market brings upheaval, disagreements and suspicion to our heroes. Mary is suffering from the symptoms of her pregnancy, while Stelios is tormented by his suspicions about the famous Frenchman they are waiting for. Angelos sees his privileges as Benjamin disappear, while Ermioni refuses to trust the doctors and seek treatment for her illness. Angelos argues with Louis who questions his mother's honor, but this will bring love at first sight into his life. Antonis asks for an explanation from Dora, who systematically avoids him, and Stelios exorcises his jealousy for Mary with a wild night out. However, Luigi's arrival will once again vindicate Mary and Stelios will not know how to correct his blunder."Explosive elections"Our heroes, along with all Athenians, are invited to test their choices at the elections once again. Even though it's local elections, party rivalries awaken instincts and moods and provoke them. Pregnant Mary puts all her hopes for success on the heaven-sent Luigi, who enjoys the family's hospitality, and with irony confronts Papadopoulos' business proposals. The children are busy with Louis' love, that has transformed him. Mr. Nikos and Pelagia are struggling to convince Ermioni not to give up hope for her health, while Mary has dragged them all into the creation of her new collection, which Luigi will promote abroad. The reappearance of Ritsa raises tensions, while Elpida is in for an unexpected surprise."


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