
Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanumaan: Vayu Dev Turns Maruti's Guru

Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanumaan (2015)

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EPISóDIO: 58 - Vayu Dev Turns Maruti's Guru


Maruti, who is on the verge of falling down and hurting himself, is surprised when Vayu Dev reaches the scene and saves him. Meanwhile, Chakrasur continues to terrorize the entire village and shows no mercy on anyone. Vayu Dev goes on to give lessons to Maruti so that he can master the art of flying but Maruti's fidgety mind does not help him concentrate completely. Later, Anjana learns of Vayu Dev's arrival and looks out of the window in search for him. She ends up shocked when she finds Maruti standing on top of a wall, ready to jump.


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