Four in a Bed: Four Saints Brig Y Don

Four in a Bed (2018)

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EPISóDIO: 24 - Four Saints Brig Y Don


The final visit is to Four Saints Brig Y Don in Llandudno, north Wales, where Egyptian-born owner Shoukry Rozek - joined in the competition by best friend Waguih Zakaria - believes his 'international standard' hotel will scoop him the prize. On arrival, Harry and Rowan fall in love with the sea views, but Helen and Suzanne are taken by surprise. At supper, Debbie and Arthur stand accused of taking criticism too much to heart - before Waguih puts the cat among the pigeons with his spicy claims about the couple's approach to business. At breakfast, Shoukry tries to make amends - but will it be the hurt feelings, or the controversial buffet breakfast which costs the hosts dear at feedback?

RUNTIME: 30 min


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