Four in a Bed: Castle Lodge Hotel, Felixstowe

Four in a Bed (2012)

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EPISóDIO: 52 - Castle Lodge Hotel, Felixstowe


For 24 years, Margaret Dugdall has run Castle Lodge Hotel in Felixstowe to exacting standards. To spice things up for her guests, Margaret and her daughter Ruth have left a clue to Ruth's secret identity as a modern-day Agatha Christie in the bedrooms. But ex-magician Ed Prophet dismisses the gesture as 'the most self-indulgent thing' he's ever seen, and he's not taken with the 'nursing home' décor either. Ed's on a mission to make 'grumpy' Gordon smile, and during a trip to groom some Suffolk Punch horses, plays some pranks that seem to do the trick. At breakfast, previous hosts David and Giles are left steaming when Ed decides to play waiter, and Margaret's unimpressed by suggestions to replace her wallpaper.

RUNTIME: 30 min


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