
Nunca é Tarde para Cantar

Very Annie Mary (2001)

Comédia, Musical | Reino Unido, França
Direção: Sara Sugarman

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Avaliação: 6.7/10
Avaliação do utilizador: 10/10


When Annie Mary was 16, she was offered a scholarship to sing in Milan, but was never allowed to go because her mother was dying. Now Annie Mary is 33 and no longer sings. She lives under the shadow of her chapel-strict father, known to all as The Voice of the Valleys, who sees himself as a budding Pavarotti. She wants to break free, but her father has a stroke and demands even more of her. When she finally rebels, the whole village becomes involved in a competition to raise money and get Annie's terminally ill best friend, 16-year-old, Bethan Bevan to Disneyland. Unfortunately Annie loses all the money they win betting on horses! She is now the most unpopular person in the village until she is asked to sing again... and Annie Mary realises that she can, at last, move on.


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