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Forget Me Never (1999)

Drama | Canadá, Estados Unidos

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Avaliação: 6.0/10


Diane McGowin was employed as an administrative assistant for a group of attorneys in private practice. She found herself forgetting things, especially losing short term memory. She suspected that something was wrong and went to the doctor. After many tests, the diagnosis was Alzheimer's. Diana did not want to tell her husband, Jack McGowin because she thought he would be worried about money since she made more money than he did. She had to give a speech at a political party meeting, she got really confused and had no idea of where she was. Diana called her house by reading her check book and her son recognized her voice. She was then forced to tell her family that she had Alzheimer's -- which they had known to a certain degree. She later befriended an ex-college professor, Dr. Albert Morelli, who had the illness and they began to do things together.


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