While backstage on opening night of a new play by celebrated murder mystery author/director Neil Khan, photographer Allie Adams discovers the body of the show's leading lady, murdered before the curtain went up. As Willow Haven PD Detective Sam Acosta launches his investigation, he invites Allie to unofficially assist him on the. case. However, Allie's involvement makes her a target for murder herself when she gets too close to the truth.


Picture Perfect Mysteries: Exit Stage DeathPicture Perfect Mysteries: Exit Stage DeathFoto: SUPER RTL / Hallmark Media ProductionsFoto: SUPER RTL / Hallmark Media ProductionsFoto: SUPER RTL / Hallmark Media ProductionsFoto: SUPER RTL / Hallmark Media ProductionsFoto: SUPER RTL / Hallmark Media ProductionsFoto: SUPER RTL / Hallmark Media Productions


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