Valutazione: 7.4/10

Numero di episodi: 8


Rescued from the horrific aftermath of the Rwandan genocide as a child, Kate was adopted and brought up in Britain by Eve Ashby, a world-class international lawyer. Kate has long struggled to escape the shadow of her past, but is now returning to work as a legal investigator in the same chambers as Eve, under leading international lawyer Michael Ennis. Kate and Eve's relationship is strained to breaking point when a controversial militia leader, who had once fought to stop the genocide, is captured in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Eve takes on his prosecution at the International Criminal Court.

  • Episodio 1.
    In Other News
  • Episodio 2.
    Looking at the Past
  • Episodio 3.
    A Ghost in Name
  • Episodio 4.
    A Bowl of Cornflakes
  • Episodio 5.
    The Eyes of the Devil
  • Episodio 6.
    The Game's True Nature
  • Episodio 7.
    Double Bogey on the Ninth
  • Episodio 8.

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