
Equator from the Air: South East Asia

Equator from the Air (2020)

documentario, natura | Regno Unito

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EPISODIO: 4 - South East Asia


Gordon Buchanan visits Southeast Asia, where booming economies put increasing pressure on the natural world. Flying over Indonesia’s capital, Jakarta, Gordon discovers this megacity is sinking. In Sumatra, drones help to manage a dangerous conflict between elephants and farmers. In Borneo, which has lost more than a third of its lush forests, Gordon searches for orangutans at night, and he finds that aerial tech offers hope for endangered Siamese crocodiles.

Produttore: Richard Bond
DURATA: 44 min

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Equator from the AirEquator from the AirEquator from the AirEquator from the AirEquator from the AirEquator from the AirEquator from the AirEquator from the AirEquator from the Air


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