EPISODIO: 11 - Favors


Professional relationships and personal business intersect at Sterling Cooper & Partners. Peggy, hating her apartment even more because of an unwanted visitor, doesn't quite get the help she wants from a colleague in alleviating the matter. Ted, Pete and Peggy bond over a few drinks, which opens Pete's eyes to what's going on with his two colleagues, and which highlights what Ted's wife Nan is feeling at home. Pete appreciates the help that Bob provided to him regarding getting a personal nurse for his mother, until Mrs. Campbell divulges some information about the situation, which in turn ends up revealing one of Bob's motivations in providing that help. Don tries to help the Rosens with a major problem, namely the fact that their son, Mitchell, who sent his draft notice back in protest, has now been reclassified as 1A. Don uses a professional connection to try and solve that problem. That action by Don causes a further rift with Ted, who is already irked that Don was proceeding with Sunkist while they already have a promising account with Ocean Spray. That act, however, may make Don and Ted come to an understanding about their working life. On a purely personal issue, Sally and her friend Julie are staying at Don and Megan's while they attend a model UN conference in the city. Their initial encounter with Mitchell is one which they hope becomes more personal. A move by Julie on this front results in an action by Sally which may threaten her relationship with her father.

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