
The Gadget Show: Episode 18

The Gadget Show (2010)

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EPISODIO: 18 - Episode 18


This week Ortis and Woodward race across London in their own high-octane, gadget-packed take on the classic game of Monopoly. Going head-to-head using the latest urban personal transport –from skates and scooters to state-of-the-art electric transport – and the latest 'augmented reality' navigation technology, it’s a race which takes them across the city via each of the railway stations on the Monopoly board. With each leg, the race picks up pace, with their urban transport getting faster and more powerful. But, it’s not all plain sailing – as if having to tackle the dreaded London traffic wasn’t bad enough, they’re also subject to random forfeits from the notorious 'chance' cards, which could give their opponent a head start – or even spell out an unexpected trip to jail.


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