
Julius Caesar: The Making of a Dictator: Ides of March

Julius Caesar: The Making of a Dictator (2023)

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Valutazione: 7.8/10


EPISODIO: 3 - Ides of March


As Caesar takes control of Rome and consolidates his grip over the republic, he awards himself ever-greater powers. Appointed dictator for one year to restore peace, he soon extends this until he is declared dictator for life.

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Julius Caesar: The Making of a DictatorJulius Caesar: The Making of a DictatorJulius Caesar: The Making of a DictatorJulius Caesar: The Making of a DictatorJulius Caesar: The Making of a DictatorJulius Caesar: The Making of a DictatorJulius Caesar: The Making of a DictatorJulius Caesar: The Making of a DictatorJulius Caesar: The Making of a DictatorJulius Caesar: The Making of a Dictator


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