
Titanic - Nascita di una leggenda: The Truth Shall Set You Free

Titanic: Blood and Steel (2012)

drammatico, storico | Irlanda, Italia, Francia, Canada, Regno Unito
National Geographic | sabato 15 marzo 2014 | 21:00

Valutazione: 7.7/10


EPISODIO: 7 - The Truth Shall Set You Free


Although Mark was fired by the board against Lord Pirrie's will, American yard owner JP Morgan first consults him about the Olylpic class's constructional risks and rehires him to execute his alternative, compartments up to the highest decks, without final commitment to it. The Finians start training their illegal militia while recruiting among yard laborers, but are betrayed to the army from within. The former strike leader decides to stand as Labor candidate MP in Belfast, spear heading the call for Irish Home Rule, which frightens even many workers. Socialite groom Ashley Stokes dumps Mark's 'tainted' playmate. Mark finds the probable identity of his adopted daughter.

Guarda la foto

Titanic - Nascita di una leggendaTitanic Krv i čelik 03Titanic Krv i čelik 01Titanic Krv i čelik 04Titanic Krv i čelik 02Titanic Krv i čelik 05Titanic Krv i čelik 07Titanic Krv i čelik 08Titanic Krv i čelik 09Titanic Krv i čelik 10Titanic Krv i čelik 11


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