
Come Dine with Me

Come Dine with Me (2008)

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A group of five strangers, each an amateur chef, compete to host the best dinner party, each party solely for the competitors and to be held on consecutive evenings. With a set amount of money provided for the party, each host must submit a menu in advance of the week, the menu to consist of at least a starter, a main and a dessert/pudding. At the end of each party, each guest rates the party on a scale of one to ten inclusive. Each guest can use whatever criteria he/she deems important to rate the party, the quality of the food only being one possible factor. At the end of the last party, the host of that party gets the voting results, which he/she reads to the other competitors. The competitor with the highest score wins £1,000. By the end of the last party, each competitor gets to know their fellow competitors a little better. Some may become friends for life, while others wish they had never met.


Nessun recensioni
  • Donne in noir (2015)

    Marta Perego incontra cinque scrittrici noir nei luoghi piu' vicini alle atmosfere dei loro libri.

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