
Il gene del male

Evil Kin (2016)

documentario, giallo | Stati Uniti

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It's amazing the things that you can inherit from your family gene pool: blue eyes, a beautiful smile, a winning personality. But what about your family's less desirable traits? A grandfather's talent for swindling, an aunt's knack for aggravated assault or even a father's flair for murder.... can you actually inherit evil from your family tree? Evil Kin begs this question as well as whether psychopathic behavior is pre-programmed. From siblings who conspire to kill their parents, to three brothers who grow up independently to become a serial killer, a rapist and a mercenary, Evil Kin follows true-crime mysteries surrounding bone-chilling cases that prove blood is always thicker than water.

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Il gene del maleIl gene del maleIl gene del maleIl gene del maleIl gene del maleIl gene del maleIl gene del maleIl gene del maleIl gene del maleIl gene del maleIl gene del maleIl gene del maleIl gene del maleIl gene del maleIl gene del male


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