
Mysteries at the Museum

Mysteries at the Museum (2016)

documentario | Stati Uniti

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Muzeji izlažu čudesna blaga prošlosti koja nam pomažu da shvatimo tko smo i naučimo više o našoj povijesti. Iza svakog artefakta kriju se priče i tajne koje vrve skandalima, misterijem, ubojstvima i intrigama. Svaka vas epizoda vodi na čudesno i ponekad šokantno putovanje kroz povijest. U emisiji se provodi sveobuhvatno istraživanje skrivenih kutaka i soba ustanova koje su posvećene raznim popularnim i zabavnim subjektima: nevidljivim špiljama, hladnokrvnim ubojicama, dinosaurima, paranormalnim pojavama itd.

Guarda la foto

Mysteries at the MuseumMysteries at the MuseumMysteries at the MuseumMysteries at the MuseumMysteries at the MuseumMysteries at the MuseumMysteries at the MuseumMysteries at the MuseumMysteries at the MuseumMysteries at the MuseumMysteries at the MuseumMysteries at the MuseumMysteries at the MuseumMysteries at the MuseumMysteries at the Museum


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