
Tokyo Mew Mew New: What Makes a Real Friend?

Tokyo Mew Mew New (2022)

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EPISODIO: 2 - What Makes a Real Friend?


Ichigo is asked by Shirogane Ryo and Akasaka Keiichiro to join the 'μ' project to protect the Earth from aliens, and starts working part-time at Café Miu Miu, their hideout, while searching for the rest of her friends with Aizawa Minto.

One day, Ichigo meets a kind girl named Hekigawa Retasu at the café and wants to become friends with her. However, Rhetasu seems to be troubled by something... Then Ichigo and Minto hear a rumour about a strange phenomenon, which they believe to be the work of the Chimera Anima. What they see at the school swimming pool they rush to...?


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