Berlin Alexanderplatz: A Hammer Blow to the Head Can Injure the Soul

Berlin Alexanderplatz (1980)

drammatico, commedia, giallo | Germania Ovest, Italia

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EPISODIO: 3 - A Hammer Blow to the Head Can Injure the Soul


Lina is troubled by the shady nature of the jobs Franz is getting and has him meet a family friend, Otto Lüders, who has Franz join him selling shoelaces door-to-door. In one apartment, Franz encounters a woman whose deceased husband he closely resembles. He has sex with the widow and later tells Otto. Otto goes to the widow’s flat and attempts to seduce her, but she rejects him. Otto extorts money and steals from her in response. When Franz goes back to the widow, happily expecting another tryst, she angrily rejects him. Distraught, Franz runs away to live at a boarding-house while Meck and Lina search for him.


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