
So You Think You Can Dance: Vegas Callbacks

So You Think You Can Dance (2012)

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EPISODIO: 5 - Vegas Callbacks


The judges have traveled across the country in search of America's favorite dancer. Tens upon thousands of dancin' fools shook their moneymakers for the chance to join the competition. Almost 200 have made it to the next step on their journey: the Las Vegas callback round. For the next four days, these dancers would strive to survive the massive cuts in Sin City and earn a spot in Season 9's Top 20.

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So You Think You Can DanceSo You Think You Can DanceSo You Think You Can DanceSo You Think You Can DanceSo You Think You Can DanceSo You Think You Can DanceSo You Think You Can Dance


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  • Fort Boyard (1990)

    It's a game show where two teams take on each other in various tasks. They normally have a time limit and whoever wins gets to go in the tigers cage to win money.

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