Code Lyoko: Crash Course

Code Lyoko (2007)

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EPISODIO: 7 - Crash Course


The gang manages to convince Jeremie to let them test out the Skid. During this test, the navigation system bugs up, leaving the gang stranded in the digital sea. Jeremie runs to his room to fetch the backup programs, but forgets that it's Fire Safety Day and runs into several teachers, eventually having to scale the roof to get to his room. Meanwhile, the Skid stumbles upon another Lyoko and is attacked by two eel-like monsters. Jeremie is able to repair the navigation system and bring his friends home, after which he surmises that the replika of Lyoko was created from the data XANA stole from Aelita's memories in "The Key." Jeremie wonders how he plans to use it.


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