Code Lyoko: Marabounta

Code Lyoko (2005)

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EPISODIO: 10 - Marabounta


After deciphering a part of Franz Hopper's diary, Jeremie gets an idea to make a monster that fights on the side of good. By combining techniques, he makes the Marabounta, a sphere that can replicate itself endlessly and devour any monster it can encase. Though it works quite well to begin with, everything goes wrong when it senses Aelita's virus, which is linked to Xana. After Odd attacks it to save her, the Marabounta goes haywire and threatens to devour all of Lyoko, so XANA sends his monsters to help destroy the Marabounta in order to protect Aelita and her memories. The monsters leave the Lyoko Warriors without causing any trouble.


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