
Heartbreak High

Heartbreak High (1996)

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Matt's comfortable existence at Hartley High is threatened when his past comes back to haunt him. Paul - Matt's competitive, over-achieving father - wants his son to return home to his family and a more settled existence. Paul is convinced that Deloraine has let Matthew run wild - a belief that is confirmed when he sees Matt's less than impressive school results. Paul's worst fears about his son become reality when - angered by his father's domineering approach - Matt uncharacteristically lashes out on the basketball court, punching teacher, Andrew. It looks like Steve is also in trouble. Everyone needs him: Con needs photographs for the school magazine, Allie needs help with finding a new flatmate, and Danielle wants to go to the movies with him. But Steve is missing. Everyone is angry and puzzled: it's just not like Steve to go disappear without a word. Where is he? The answer will change Hartley High and its students forever.


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