
Friesland: Krabbenkrieg

Friesland (2017)

giallo | Germania
Regia: Markus Sehr

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Valutazione: 6.9/10


EPISODIO: 5 - Krabbenkrieg


Having served jail time for robbery and homicide, Arne Terjehusen returns to Leer, where everyone remembered he swore revenge. Jens catches him robing Insa Scherzinger's pharmacy and can barely fight off Arne -who terrorized him and buddies as youths- until Süher, arrives and shoot Arne Terjehusen fatally. Checking Arne's smartphone, they wonder about a video marked "Heulinger seafood", leading to the fish cooler-hidden corpse of shipping entrepreneur Klaus Heulinger. This sets Jens and Süher on the trail of the crab trade via his hostile, much younger ex Jessica Heulinger, who run a restaurant, which he planned to buy with now missing cash, and firm driver Oliver Gerdes, only to realize it's a front for a lethal business.

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