
The Cleaner: Last American Casualty

The Cleaner (2009)

drammatico | Stati Uniti
Regia: Leon Ichaso

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Valutazione: 8.8/10


EPISODIO: 2 - Last American Casualty


Major Larry Duren, a longtime friend of William's father whose job is to notify the families of military casualties, recently delivered word to an alcoholic father of his son's passing. Now he wants William to help the father overcome his addiction. However, William's father wants William to help Duren himself, also a heavy drinker. Both William and Duren know that the Major is too far gone and is going to die from his disease. While William struggles to repair the lives of the dead soldier's father and his remaining son, he finds himself unable to stand by and watch Duren die. And when Ben comes to spend the week with his father, William struggles with exposing his son to his work.


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