
The Living and the Dead

The Living and the Dead (2016)

drammatico, orrore, thriller | Regno Unito

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Valutazione: 7.5/10




As Nathan is made aware the villagers believe that his presence is attracting ghosts the locals prepare for All Hallows Eve but are nervous as this is the anniversary of a seventeenth century massacre by Roundheads and there are fears that their spirits will return to wreak havoc. Nathan, however, is more concerned with contacting a female ghost - not Clarity - that he has seen and believes is orchestrating the hauntings. At nightfall the villagers, including Charlotte, see the spectral riders in the woods but they appear to disperse after the reverend Denning performs an exorcism but come the morning Charlotte has another cause for concern as Nathan insists on the presence of their dead son Gabriel in the house.

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