
Morning Show Mysteries: Murder on the Menu

Murder on the Menu (2018)

drammatico, mistero | Stati Uniti
Regia: Kevin Fair

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Valutazione: 6.3/10


A woman who is a chef, restaurant owner, and morning show segment host also solves murder cases.

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Morning Show Mysteries: Murder on the MenuMorning Show Mysteries: Murder on the MenuMorning Show Mysteries: Murder on the MenuMorning Show Mysteries: Murder on the MenuMorning Show Mysteries: Murder on the MenuMorning Show Mysteries: Murder on the MenuMorning Show Mysteries: Murder on the MenuMorning Show Mysteries: Murder on the MenuMorning Show Mysteries: Murder on the MenuMorning Show Mysteries: Murder on the MenuMorning Show Mysteries: Murder on the MenuMorning Show Mysteries: Murder on the MenuMorning Show Mysteries: Murder on the MenuMorning Show Mysteries: Murder on the Menu


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