
Le più belle fiabe dei fratelli Grimm: La figlia del mugnaio

Rumpelstilzchen (2009)

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Valutazione: 6.1/10


*King Gustav's crown prince Moritz, an avid hunter refusing to pick a suitable bride, only has an instant crush on an unidentified fresh girl he meets while she stops him from shooting a deer. It's miller Gisbert's headstrong daughter Lisa. Overheard from the castle bragging absurdly is daughter can do anything, even spin gold from straw, the miller must either accept punishment for lies or prove his words. Lis is locked up in a castle tower with straw and a spinning wheel, desperate the task is impossible, hence doomed. At night appears a measly character, who offers to do it for her heirloom necklace. As the king demands more, threatening the miller's while family, Rumpelstilzchen returns, setting as price her last heirloom, mothers' ring. The king demanding even more, his price rises to her firstborn. Prince Moritz discovered she's his wood flame, but is locked up. However the king catches a gold allergy and passes the crown to his son, who marries Lisa and has a son himself a year...

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Le più belle fiabe dei fratelli Grimm: La figlia del mugnaio


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